Things men tell their buddies that they don't tell their wives and girlfriends. 1. Yes it's about sex. Men like sex men like variety. Men like women that enjoy sex enjoy variety and are active partners in sex. 性。男人喜欢性,希望自己的女友也一样喜欢性,希望女人主动。 2. A man is less likely to feel romantic if a woman is making his life miserable. If you want to cuddle don't start a fight over leaving the toilet seat up or not taking out the garbage Buzzkill. 男人排斥女人干涉自己的个人习惯,讨厌女人为一点点小事争吵。 3. Men are passionate about the things women hate. In general when men tell you they don't like cartoons stoner movies action movies motorcycles South Park sports firearms the Simpsons and ESPN etc. they are lying so that they can have sex with you. 男人对女人讨厌的事情很在意。他会为了接近你,而告诉你自己不喜欢你讨厌的东西。 4. Men don't like women's entertainment. I'd rather eat glass than watch Bridget Jones but I've watched it for sex. 男人不喜欢女人玩的东西,他们宁愿吃玻璃也不愿看肥皂剧。 5. There's only 24 hours in a day. Eight hours of sleep ten hours at work o hours mute 90 minutes at the gym and 90 minutes cooking eating and washing up leaves only one hour each day for "us" or "me" time. Keep your expectations reasonable and share. 不要将男人看的太死。一天只有24个小时,除了8小时睡觉,10小时工作,2小时公交,90分钟健身,90分钟做饭吃饭,洗澡,每天就只有1个小时是我们能在一起的。 6. Women have cold hands feet butts and other body parts. Men are not your personal heaters. Warm them or keep them to yourself. 男人不是电热毯,不要总想着让他们给你暖牀。 7. A man's willingness to put up with a women's b.s. is directly proportional to how hot they are. Yes men will kiss a beautiful women's ass for sex that doesn't mean you're going to get the same treatment. 男人对女人的付出和女人的魅力成正比的,如果你很美,我会愿意为你做每一件事,反之就难了。 8. When women say they want to sit down and talk men hear "I'm pissed." You never want to talk about things we like like sports so telling us you want to talk sends us the signal that you want to bring up something that's bothering you. You might fool us once in a while by actually wanting to talk about something the other sex is interested in. Men have to it's called dating. 当女人说我们坐下来好好谈谈的时候,她们是在说“我很生气”。因为女人根本不会和我好好聊我喜欢的体育,所以男人知道女人想找他们的茬了。 9. Men hate dating because we have to lie. Lying isn't fun. We can't wait to be married so we can really tell you how we feel about Bridget Jones. Unless he's a jerk a man's happiest day is when he no longer has to lie to have sex. 男人讨厌约会。因为他们必须在约会上不停地撒谎。 10. Working out doesn't count unless you sweat. We don't want to hear about how tough your yoga class was if all the girls in class are wearing makeup. 流汗了才是真正地累了。男人不相信女人说累了,因为她们总是划着好好的妆。
导语:男女在恋爱时,为了给对方一个好印象,都会适当伪装,隐藏一些秘密,这是正常的。对于一些为给对方留下好感,而掩藏自身缺点的男人来说,这种隐藏属于心理层面的“自我满足”。而对于一些心怀鬼胎的男人来说,事情就变得复杂。 男人在恋爱时,一般会隐藏那些秘密? 第一: 抱着试试看的态度与女人交往,即便从一开始就知道和这个女人走不到最后,但还是愿意和女人同居。因为男人天生有一种“猎取”的心态。即便是想欺骗女人,也会打着爱情的幌子来行动。 因为在恋爱的状态下,也许他真的付出真感情,也许他只是玩玩,很难分辨。因此,女人想要得到真爱,就不要急于“献身”,时间会考验一个男人对爱情的耐性。 第二: 追求女人时,会许下类似“只要你未嫁,我就不娶”这样的豪壮承诺,其实他内心里是这样想的:我都这样了,你若还不答应,那我只好“吃着碗里的看着锅里的”,等待惊喜出现了。 第三: 无论男人曾经情史多丰富,欺骗或者抛弃过多少女人,在和你恋爱的`时候,都会说,你是我的唯一。这是男人一贯的小计俩,很多女人在看待别人的爱情时,清楚这一点,往往到了自己身上,就情不由己了。 第四: 在男人心里,衡量一段感情的发展程度,往往就是看有没有和这个女人上床。 第五: 对于大多数男人而言,如果一个女人长相和身材出类拔萃的话,在恋爱过程中会占有绝对优势。在男人眼里,女人的漂亮就是让自己心甘情愿的资本。 但是,如果一个男人想背叛你,或者想抛弃你,这就与你的长相和优缺点无关,这个时候,男人的一切说辞都是借口。不然,当初,他不就是爱上这样的你吗? 第六: 男人恋爱的目的性很强。如果深爱一个女人,他会不计较得失,不急于占有。并且男人很清楚和女方交往,是出于爱还是性。 如果是后者,他会争取在最短的时间内想办法得逞。另外,男人在恋爱初期,都会表现很大方,其实内心和女人一样,会在意各个细节,会在意得失。 第七: 如果女人过快的答应男人的求爱,会让男人有一种莫名的失落感。也许你会说,这是“犯贱”,但没办法,男人就是这样。 越是得不到的,越是难以得到的,才会觉得弥足珍贵,才会更加珍惜。 第八: 男人许诺给女人的未来,也许只有一年。而这一年,有可能会让女人误解一辈子。因此,女人在恋爱过程中,要保持理智,对男人的话,不能不信,也不能全信。 最主要是,看行动。说一千道一万,没有行动,只是耍嘴皮子的男人,是靠不住的。